Friday, May 17, 2013

Quitting Time at the Sand Pit

If you were to ask any random person what's the first thing that pops into their heads when you say "L.A.", working at a non-film industry job is probably one of the last things you'll hear. Which I find odd, as most people have to work some kind of job to keep body and soul together, and that includes the average Joe Angeleno. Just in case you didn't know, L.A. County includes a municipality called City of Industry, for instance, and it's full of manufacturing and fabrication outfits doing all kinds of heavy-duty and completely non-Hollywood work.

Immediately north of downtown and right on the edge of the Los Angeles River is this small facility which is owned by the city of L.A.'s streets department. Here they mine the sand - what's it's used for, I'm a little unclear, but shovel the sand they do. And come late Friday afternoon, just as it happens all across the US, the men put down their shovels or park their tractors, shake off the dirt and dust as best they can, clock out and go home.

As always, click on the image for a larger version.

Details: Nikon D300 w/Nikkor DX 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5 AF, 1/640 sec; f/13; ISO 400

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