When I first starting shooting color, the film choices were pretty limited: Kodachrome for daylight and high speed Ektachrome (pushed) for night shots and other lowlight situations. The results were, basically, take it or leave it. With the advent of digital capture, there is an amazing amount of latitude in processing color images and everything I knew went out the window. The learning curve has been steep, not helped by the rapid evolution of computer processors and graphics cards, choices of processing software, and a zillion other tangible and intangible things.
After I recently installed a new video card I observed that the perceptive gamma and black point of a lot of my old edits had changed dramatically, so I've been revisiting some of my favorite older files and reediting them. The process has given me an opportunity to rethink their emotional content and apply a fresh look in line with my more *advanced* expertise and computer technology.
My workflow now includes primary color correction and color values assigned in Lightroom, then edited as a PSD in Photoshop to enable local area selection of curves, luminance and saturation.
Here's a image, shot about a year ago, reedited to reflect the fact that it was damn cold (about 35 degrees F) when I shot it.