Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A 4th of July walk around the block

For photographers, Independence Day usually means the same old photographs of fireworks, family picnics and people on the National Mall, so I thought this year I'd try something a little different. I assigned myself a mini photo shoot: a walk around the block in my neighborhood, downtown L.A., or, one block in one hour. This is what I came back with. To increase dramatic effect, they're shown slightly out of order.

Sunset, 4th of July (C) Glenn Primm Photography

Metro bus (C)Glenn Primm Photography

Colorful bicycles (C) Glenn Primm Photography

Mobile phone caller (C) Glenn Primm Photography

Flags, 4th of July, Downtown Los Angeles (C) Glenn Primm Photography

Shot with a Nikon D1x w/Nikkor 18-55 f/3.5 DX AF, ISO 640, cropped square just because. As always, clicking on the image will bring you the larger image.

Happy Birthday, America!